Okay, the birthday girl is in the pink pony shirt, the other two girls are friends. 4 hours of roller skating! It was about 85 degrees (F) outside (unseasonably warm for Seattle this time of year) and there was no air conditioning. Mom was too warm! Yes I'm from Texas. Yes, I've acclimated to Washington state weather. Anything over 80 is pushing it for me. Anyway, more people showed for her birthday than I expected, so good for her. The kids all had a blast, and most of them actually got worn out and left for home before the party was technically over. We were allowed to stay for 4 hours, so that's what I put on the invitation. Next time, I think I'd shorten it by an hour or something. That was too long for me, I was wiped out and I wasn't even skating. Pirate cake and princess presents, quite a combination. LOL
You know, I used to skate all the time. You'd think, as a fully-functional adult, that I could skate fairly easily if I wanted. Um, no. I tried it last year and discovered that there are muscles in my legs that I apparently have no use for on a regular walking-around basis. Go figure. Another little tidbit I picked up last year, falling is sort of painful. Yep. No skating for mom. If we start making a habit of skating, I might change my mind, right now, I don't think so.
Our hot water heater blew out on Thursday night. It's been coming, but Himself kept putting off getting it replaced. I think he was hoping it would just go away or something. I decided I wasn't going to do it for him, I have enough on my plate. Anyway, I came home Thursday night to a stream of water winding its way out of my garage. Neat. Just what every home owner wants to see when they open the garage door, right? Fortunately, nothing was ruined by the water AND we were able to get someone out Friday afternoon to replace the darned thing. Yee-haw! (See? I am from Texas!) Got the weekend off to an exciting start.
What with the party and all, I did not have much time for knitting. Big surprise, right? I did manage to get a "before" picture of my sock. Here I am all ready to start the decreases. It rolled a bit away from my toes, but still, it is time to get going. Look, I even included a shot of one of my cats' fuzzy behind (and Himself's foot). Isn't that thoughtful? Who wouldn't want to see that, right? I would like to appologize for the photo quality, actually, I was trying to get the flash working again before the party and took shots of the sock because I needed them and it was easy. That is not a stripe running down the whole sock, that is the cable on my circ needle, btw. Sorry, I could have done a better job with that.
I'm looking forward to a "quiet" weekend this weekend. No birthdays, no parties, no other scheduled events at all, in fact. I'm quite thrilled. We plan to clean the house, and that is really all I want to do. Besides knit. And spin. Here's hoping... (A younger me would probably find this paragraph quite depressing. LOL)
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