So, Now here I am home with the 4 year old, I guess she's on day 4 now, and I'm on day 3. I was feeling pretty cocky yesterday. I believe my exact words were: "This isn't so bad, I'm not really having the bad headaches and the fever has been pretty mild. If this is all it is, I"ll be fine and get some stuff done around the house." An hour later, the Virus Freight Train ran over me. Repeatedly. Headache - check. Fever that just won't go away - check. Congestion - check. Feeling pretty miserable - double check. That'll teach me to get all cocky about how I can handle the virus that is wiping out folks left and right up here. Really, why should I be different? Some nice hot TheraFlu got me off to a great start this morning, however, so right now I'm fine & wacked out on drugs. Better living through chemistry, that's what I'm talking about! I am glad, however, that my oldest and DH have not yet succumbed to this virus. I really hope they both manage to miss out on this opportunity. It hardly seems likely though, does it? Anyway, I'll live with the (probably misplaced) optimism that they are going to miss the virus.
Today is my oldest dd birthday, she is 7 years old today. I can hardly believe it. I also have to register my youngest for kindergarten today (if the drugs hold out, I'll get this done). I'm feeling pretty sad that I'm spending her birthday sick, but since we're not planning to do her birthday party until the 24th, I guess it is okay. I'm taking cupcakes to her school today and she is so excited, she could hardly sleep last night. She told me that when she woke up today her feet would grow (for her birthday). I have no idea where that came from, but okay. She is totally jazzed at being 7. This girl is a sweet, loving, thoughtful delight and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Happy Birthday my Sweet Monkey!
Fiber news. Well, as I said above, I don't do well knitting while sick. I wonder if it is just me, or if this is true for others as well. It is a darned shame since I am losing some long hours of knitting time I normally don't have. Maybe as I lose the fever I will feel more like knitting. I keep trying, just in case. However, I did put my time to good use yesterday. I wound up some sock yarn and my youngest wanted to pose with it.
Here's another shot of the Mountain Barefoot. I'm having a hard time picking up the colors. Black, red and a bit of dark green.
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